Top 10 Health Issues in Dogs

As a pet owner, you want the best for your furry friend, but understanding when your dog doesn’t feel well isn’t easy. Unlike children, your dog cannot tell you when it has a stomach ache or a sore tooth. Instead, you must watch out for symptoms associated with the most common health issues in dogs.

Learning common health conditions for your pet helps you know when to take them to the vet. Read on to discover the top ten most common health issues in dogs so you can stay on top of your pet’s health.

1. Allergies

Like humans, many dogs experience allergies to different environmental factors and foods. Allergies are one of the most common health conditions that dogs can experience. Many dog breeds have increased risks of developing skin allergies, environmental reactions, and insect allergies. 

The top symptoms to watch for in dogs with allergies include the following:

  • Redness
  • Rashes
  • Itching
  • Skin licking and chewing
  • Overall discomfort

If you notice any of these issues, bring your pup to the vet to determine the cause. Many confuse standard allergy reactions with more severe skin infections, so a professional exam and evaluation can make sure your pet gets the proper treatment.

2. Ear Infections

Has your dog started shaking its head weirdly or acting dizzy? Try checking under its ears. If you notice any redness, discharge, debris, strange odors, or swelling, they may have an ear infection.

Ear infections are common in dogs and often cause discomfort and vertigo-like symptoms. Your vet should be able to easily diagnose and treat an ear infection. As soon as you notice signs, call and schedule an appointment to help your pup feel great again. 

Untreated ear infections can cause permanent damage. Keep an eye on your dog’s symptoms for a day or two, and if they do not resolve on their own, you should seek treatment before they worsen.

3. Obesity

Dogs can quickly gain weight if they don’t follow the right diet and exercise plan. While you may not think that a little extra fat will harm your pet, it can cause severe health complications down the line. Obesity in dogs restricts their movement, causes joint pain, and can lead to heart complications. 

With a quick online search, you can find weight charts for your dog’s specific breed that show what their body type should look like. We recommend comparing your dog’s body to one of these charts to see whether they’re in the underweight, healthy, overweight, or obese category. If you think your dog may be overweight or obese, schedule an appointment with your vet to discuss a weight loss plan. Your vet can also run additional tests to check their heart health and identify potential issues, like heart disease. They may prescribe medications and weight loss food to help your pet shed a few pounds and feel its best again.

4. Gastrointestinal Issues

Dogs can suffer from many gastrointestinal issues, ranging from emergency complications like accidental poisonings to long-term issues like colitis. Regardless of the problem, most dogs show similar signs if their stomach starts bothering them. The most common signs of gastro health issues in dogs include the following:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Lack of appetite
  • Dehydration

If your dog suddenly shows a lack of interest in its food or begins vomiting more than usual, it likely has some sort of stomach problem that requires a vet visit. 

Many dog owners assume such issues will pass with time, but with more severe conditions, the problem can quickly worsen and threaten your pet’s life. Vomiting can occur from gastrointestinal blockages, toxic ingestions, and serious diseases that require immediate attention, so call your vet as soon as possible.

5. Skin Infections and Conditions

Dogs can develop various skin infections that mimic allergies but involve more concerning underlying issues. Common conditions include parasites, skin infections, rashes, benign tumors, and more. Skin conditions typically cause high discomfort levels, so you want to treat them as soon as possible.

Watch out for these symptoms that your pup may have a skin infection:

  • Flaky, inflamed, and scaly skin
  • Hair loss
  • Hot, itchy areas
  • Skin growths or lumps

If you notice your dog starts scratching more than usual, it may have an infection or an external parasite, like fleas or ticks. External parasites can cause severe internal issues for your pup, like Lyme disease, paralysis, blood-borne parasites, and more. We recommend bringing your dog to the vet for a thorough exam to locate the underlying cause of their skin irritation.

6. Accidental Injuries

Dogs love to play and have fun, though they can occasionally get themselves into trouble. Accidents happen all the time, causing minor to severe injuries. A few common accidents that can harm your pup include the following:

  • Bites from other animals
  • Falls and trips
  • Lacerations
  • Harmful ingestions
  • Impact injuries (i.e., being hit by a car)

If a severe accident happens, you’ll likely rush your pet to the vet, but with minor injuries, you may not know what to do. For example, say your pup comes in from playing outside with a slight limp, and you notice a small cut on its paw. They may have simply scraped their foot on a rock, though they also could've been bitten by a poisonous snake.

Because your dog cannot tell you what they’re feeling or the details behind their accident, it's always a good idea to take them to the vet for any minor injury. If you’re concerned about emergency vet costs, consider pet insurance. Trupanion Pet Insurance offers accident coverage with no payout limitations, so you can afford the best care for your pet.

7. Arthritis

Arthritis is another of the most common health issues in dogs, causing joint pain in their hips, back, knees, and other areas. If arthritis progresses without treatment, their pain may worsen, and they may struggle to exercise or enjoy playtime. If you notice your pup struggling to move or exhibiting pain while doing so, you should schedule a vet visit to examine their joints. 

One of the most common forms of joint pain in dogs is osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease). Senior dogs, pups with old injuries, and dogs with hip dysplasia have the highest risks of developing osteoarthritis. If your dog falls into these categories, you can mention your concerns to your vet during their wellness checkups to stay ahead of their joint pain.

8. UTIs and Bladder Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bladder infections often happen when a dog goes for a prolonged period without urinating. For example, if you recently took them on a road trip or left them home for many hours, they may have held their urine for too long. UTIs cause pain while urinating and urination frequency.

If you notice that your pup seems uncomfortable while peeing or has recently started peeing in the house when they typically don’t, they may have a bladder issue. Many pet owners associate this behavior with poor training, though often a simple infection is the culprit. You may also notice bloody urine or lethargy. 

Your vet can test for bacteria in their urine and prescribe an antibiotic to treat the infection. Without treatment, UTIs can spread to other critical organs, causing severe health complications.

9. Eye Infections

If you notice that your dog’s eyes look red and watery, they may have an eye infection. Eye infections can cause pain, itchiness, and watery discharge. Your dog may also show signs like eye rubbing and squinting, indicating discomfort. 

Your vet can diagnose the eye infection and offer treatment options to help your pet feel better and stop scratching (and potentially damaging) their eyes. For example, they may prescribe eye drops to remove the infection and relieve pain.

10. Dental Complications

Oral health and dental cleanings are just as important in dogs as in humans. Poor dental care can lead to dental disease, gum disease, tooth decay, and other painful complications, often resulting in tooth removals. If your vet has to remove one or more teeth, your dog may struggle to eat solid food or enjoy its normal quality of life. 

You can prevent dental complications by following the recommended tooth brushing and checkup schedule for your dog. If you notice redness or swelling in their gums or unusual chewing habits, you should schedule an appointment to check on their dental health.

Get the Best Care for Your Pet With Affordable Pet Insurance

Health issues in dogs are more common than many pet owners realize. Luckily, you can help your dog feel its best and prevent severe health complications with regular vet visits. Vet appointments may seem like an overwhelming expense, but with pet insurance, you can afford the care your pet needs.

At Insurdinary, we help you find pet insurance quotes from the top providers to find a policy that aligns with your coverage needs and budget. Use Insurdinary to find pet insurance quotes online today from leading providers like Trupanion Pet Insurance to find excellent coverage for your dog.